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  1. First of all, my big thanks to Ultimaker team to have added the Dagoma Discoeasy200 printer to Cura. Unfortunately, I have a problem with the flavor feature. With my printer the default flavor is "marlin" which seems great as this printer use a marlin firmware but this flavor add two temperature command before the start gcode. These commands force the extruder to wait to be at the correct temperature before executing the rest of the gcode commands. This is a problem for two reason : - it's duplicate with the provided start gcode (not really a problem) - on my printer you HAVE TO set fan speed to the max BEFORE setting the extruder temperature ! Indeed, the fan the fan not only refresh the plastic but also the printer palpeur for bed leveling. If the fan is not activated, the extruder heat the palpeur resulting in wrong measures... So I just can't use the 3.0.x version of Cura nowadays. I still use the 2.6 version. If anybody have a suggestion for a workaround for this problem, I would be graceful...
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