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Kendall Baker

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Everything posted by Kendall Baker

  1. Hello yelloshark. Yes it is the same filament, same model and the exact same settings except for changing the flow rate. I had cura still up from when I last printed it still and just changed flow rate.I am using PLA.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion. The cr-10s has dual threaded rods for a z axis. The gratry moves up and is the x axis. The bed is on the y axis. I upped the flow rate to 160% in cura and reprinted the same object. It was still a little off but it was much better. I am going to look up doing a esteps calibration to correct it. Thank you for the quick help!
  3. Hello, I have been having print issues when printing anything more complex then a pipe. Below is an example, the pipe printed which looks perfect to me. But the cone is shows a lot of imperfections through. The cone is mostly mostly hollow, it is a part for a spool holder. I am pretty new to 3d printing and I am having trouble finding the issue. I have tried leveling the bed, checking the gantry to be square, and cleaning the whole extruder assembly. I am using Cura 3.2.1 and a Hictop ( creality) cr-10s.
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