Hi again
Ah, just saw your post. Wish i had seen it 30 minutes ago. I believe i did cause a problem with the slight bending of the limit switch earlier. This caused the limit to come too soon, which i thought wouldnt matter at all since i'm not trying to print anything on the farthest out piece of the print bed. But today i watched the printer as it printed and realised that it used an external "switch flipper" to change the print core up and down. This did in fact not work very well, and i believe that me bending the switched caused this (the printed head thinking that is was further back than it really was). I did however bend the switch back again before seeing your post, and when i did the diagnostics just now the testing of the switching worked very well. It looked alot more solid than on the printing done today. Wish i had tried that before to see if it really did fail some times, or if it was me mis-judging the print.
I do however experience a new type of problem now, when doing a bit taller prints. I am currently prototyping some enclosures (OT bragging: for a gateway we've constructed, for a startup im running with a friend (http://www.d-rail.se/)).
This has failed two times today, due to layer shifting. The shift has come on the same part of the same print, but on very different heights (one being close to the build plate and this one being much further up: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9n9qcft7axsgqcv/20180413_202953.jpg?dl=0
Checking the belt tension by hand. You can hardly press the top belt all the way down to the bottom since it is very tense, but the bottom belt is very loose: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mkjyfqb7e2rbsv4/20180413_202600.mp4?dl=0
Using the diagnostics tool you can see that the front belt on the lower part is wobbling wildly. The back belt feels alot more tense. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mkjyfqb7e2rbsv4/20180413_202600.mp4?dl=0
Could i try to pull the belt one or two tooths on the pulley, or loosen the screw and adjusting so that the "loose tension" is divided evenly on the top and bottom part of the belt? Or do i risk causing some problem doing so?