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Everything posted by Ametz

  1. Just wondering what this bug caused in 3.5.0 ? I had (or have) a problem with my Creality3D CR 10S. First it heated the bed plate then stopped heating it when the print started. Even tho it said to hold 60 degree on the LCD it dropped down to room temperature anyway. And after restarts of the unit the issue was still there, i was forced to have my unit off for 5-10 minutes minimum and then it worked again. (tried 3 times) Then i saw this bug. Updated the program and a new gcode. And now the first print seems to hold the temperature (2hr later) So was it this bug or do i still have a problem that might come back?
  2. Since i want to change my build plate speed to slower i was looking at all settings. And the only axis speed settings i can find is settings for the Z axis, and when hover on that setting it says: "The maximum speed with witch the build plate is moved" and some more bla bla... But as far as i know the build plate moves is on axis Y I use a CR-10S and in my manual it's the same. The build plate is on the Y axis. So what is wrong here?
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