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Everything posted by DarkLinkX5

  1. the best technique to printing bellows is to not print bellows. just print the paddles and use leather. or cheap plastic sheet. it would be more cost effective to just buy bellows.
  2. It must be either Cura itself or one of its settings i randomly tried craftware to slice it and repeiter host to print and it printed without a single hole or under extrusion defect. (slic3r would have probably printed it fine too. same speed setting and even 100% flow instead of 120%) it was a better print than I've seen from Cura in over a year or two. I tried older version of Cura 3.5 and 3.3.1 and it was better at 100% flow same speeds but still had a tiny gap at the corner about 3 layers high. I would have tried 1.5.4 but it refuses to start last i used that version was about 2 weeks ago because of the split object feature. Cura likes to start in a random corner and in craftware printed it continuously. Despite this i still want to fix Cura as its an all in one program. i hate going through 2 programs to print Its completely unnecessary. if you know any setting i could change to remedy this issue id be happy to get Cura working again. i have friend who cant use newer version of cura than 3.3.1 because it just seems to go downhill in compatibility. ☹️
  3. Thanks for your reply and generous help. i haven't really changed my settings much in the last 5 years. i got a Prusa i3 mk1 clone back when they were acrylic frames. I use Cura exclusively but i can try an alternative as a test. Using part of the setting list above Layer height 0.3mm Line width 0.35mm Wall line count 3 Nozzle temp tried 190, 200, 210 Build plate 50 Flow 120% (100% really bad random under extrusion.) "V use to print great at these speeds V" Print speed 80mm/s Wall speed 40mm/s Retraction on or off either way it does the same also on this small test print i cant get this single 0.4 wall to print fully anymore it use to print it fine. all other sides look fine it looks like its coasting to the corner but that setting is off.
  4. Any updates on this issue? im dealing with the exact same thing. so identical that the defects look exactly the same.
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