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Posts posted by dotnetrob

  1. Ok, figured it out, I am guessing something got messed up after one of the upgrades.  Was running 4.0 until about 3 weeks ago, upgraded to 4.5 back then.  Upgraded to 4.6 yesterday.   Profiles must have gotten messed up during all of this.  I changed profile setting to 99mm and resaved the profile, than changed it back to 4mm and saved again and it started working.  Now the value changes when I switch profile or material.  



  2. When I switch between materials the print temp, build plate temp, standby temp all change to what is set in the material print settings.   But the retraction distance and speed are not changed?  Not sure about fan speed.   Is this correct?  Shouldn't the print values be replaced by the material print values when I change materials?  If not why even have these values in material?


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