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Posts posted by sveneb

  1. @geert_2
    Thanks for the suggestion on let the parts overlap when making a union. 
    Yes the part is made by a union of a rod and a spiral, and in fact i had some problems in making a union of them in the beginning, and I solved it by let them overlap as you suggested. After that i could make a union of them without any errors, and then I thought the problem was solved.
    But apparently it was not :-/

    Thanks for the link to the validating tool, I will use this tool to try to find the reason for the error that I am seeing.
    I think that I am doing something wrong, rather then there are an error in freecad. 

  2. Hi Cura.

    I have been using Cura slicing software for a couple of years now are very satisfied with the results. 

    However yesterday i tried to printing a auger with two different increases, and half of it looked fine but the other half was very fragile.
    When i looked at the layers inside the slicer i spotted that on some layers the support was inside the printed element.

    Can somebody tell me what I have configured wrong in my configuration to end up with this result?
    Thanks in advance




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