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Posts posted by burtoogle

  1. Hi, thanks for the model. Well, I sliced it using my normal settings and it looks OK, here's the last layer of the hole...




    Here's the same model with the remove all holes setting enabled, perhaps you have done that?





  2. 1 hour ago, tank423 said:

    I doubt its the case but make sure volumetric is not on in cura, I believe the setting is called (RELETIVE EXTRUSION)


    Relative extrusion has nothing to do with volumetric stuff. Equalize Filament Flow is closer in concept.

  3. This looks like a long standing bug (not mine, honest!) that has been woken from its slumber by a recent change I made to the wall print ordering. I have a fix which I am testing and, if that goes well, will submit to be included in a future release. A workaround is to disable the wall order optimization.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I have managed to workaround the various limitations and bugs in the graphic library and now have quite a nice display. It still has some compromises compared to the other builds (Linux/Mac/Windows) and it's definitely a bit sluggish if the model is large but for small models I think it's preferable  to the compatibility mode display. YMMV.



    • Like 2
  5. It only generates sufficient walls to fill the space. Unfortunately, at the present time, Cura doesn't handle the situation where there is not space for an even number of walls very well. This defect is well known and the UM devs are currently beavering away night and day to come up with a solution.

  6. Thanks for the file, I sliced it and then searched for MESH...




    and so on

  7. Cura does lots of "tricks" but in this regard it is straightforward. The outer walls will be inset 1/2 of the line width from the outline of the object so, in theory, the object should have the correct outer dimensions. Of course, that assumes that the printer motion is perfect and the extruder calibrated, etc. so, in reality, it is normal for the object to come out slightly the wrong size and some tweaking may be necessary. This is FFF printing, after all.

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