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  1. Alright... it seems I am missing something crucial, as I cannot make the printer model to appear in Cura printers list. I assume it should appear under Others. So, for start if someone could help me with the basics (which variables are required), in order for a printer definition to create an entry in printers list... once I can see the model in the list, I hope I can work from there to complete the profile. Second aspect: - should I include "fdmprinter" and add the particular settings as "overrides"? I've seen this is how most profiles are built.
  2. Thank you @ErenUenal. I understand what you mean about a filament-specific profile. I'm also using this opportunity to learn more about 3D printers and settings. This is my first time dealing with a 3D printer. I'll focus mostly on printer specific parameters in the json file, as the filament profiles can be created separately once a printer has been set. Plus, having a json profile file might be helpful for other MeCreator2 users. There are already some settings that I have no idea what are, but I'd like to look for answers first, then I'll compile a list of everything I can't fully understand, hoping i'll find the response here.
  3. Hi all! I'm Andrew, fresh owner of my first ever 3d printer (Geeetech MeCreator2) and I'm already exploring beyond click and print. After trying several software, I concluded Cura is the one I should focus my attention on, as it allows me the most control. So, I started to build a Cura Profile for the MeCreator2, starting from the "fdmprinter.def.json" file... so far so good, but there is a lot of parameters to set and I am not so sure how to interpret some of them. I was wondering if this is the right place to ask for help, because there will be some incremental help as I am going on with stuff. And, if the request is not too much, once I finish the profile, if someone here owns a Geeetech MeCreator2 and would like to look over the profile, to check it with an expert eye, that would also be a big help. Disclaimer: - i'm totally new in 3d printing, learning on the go... so please be gentle with me, and slang that might be obvious for you guys, it might be completely new for me. Thank you for understanding.
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