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Everything posted by RyanParle

  1. I just ended up using the generic pla as my base material.
  2. Thanks, so yeah changing to another material (A PLA that I have added) repopulated the profiles in the dropdown menu, I now see that when I select other materials that I have added such as ST-PLA or PLA+ they are highlighted in orange when selected from the dropdown list. Is this simply happening because I have effectively created a new unrecognised material by adding them as ST-PLA & PLA+? How would I go about fixing this? should I simply re list these materials as PLA? Another thing I notice is that Cura seems to lock up for 5-10 seconds every time I either change between materials or print profiles, any idea what may cause this?
  3. I've just upgraded from Cura 4.3 to cura 4.4 and found that my profiles have disapeared from the profile dropdown menu, they are still in the profile management list but all have "-not supported" as a suffix. I've put a lot of time in to my print profiles and would be a bit upset to loose all my work, can anyone advise what can be done to restore my profiles?
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