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  1. Hi. I'm not sure if it is only since this version, but Cura doesn't sign me in automatically when I open it. I can remember that with previous versions it signed me in and started with the backup. This means that to sign I, Cura opens an Ultimaker tab in my browser, and only after I signed in there, Cura signs me in. Is there a setting or something I can do to make this signing in automatically when I open Cura?
  2. Thanks for your reply. I realised that I don't have a clue on how support blockers are set up. After watching a video I managed to get it right. Thanks very much.
  3. Hi all and thank you for your help. I designed this phone stand and need to print it. Left picture: the hole for the charging cable that needs supports. Right picture: Support Structure: Normal and Placement: Everywhere. When I choose "Touching Buildplate" it generates support for the text as well that has a -1mm reses into the stand. I eventually used "Tree Supports" which worked perfect. But is this the only way? I would rather choose to use the first option as it is using less filament. I tried to use Support Blockers on the text but cannot get it to work. I will appreciate your advice. Thanks.
  4. I just learned that Tinkercad does not export two parts as two seperate bodies. This is why Cura sees it is one part and not two. Thanks. Hi. I added a second extruder about two years ago and had the printing setup in Cura. But I used the second extruder more than a year ago, upgrader to newer versions and also installed a bigger hard drive. Long story short, I don't have my Cura settings for dual extrusion printing. I googled to see if I can find some YT video but nothing that helps me from scratch. I did install a custom printer and added a second extruder and managed to find my old G-code for this. What I cannot seem to get right is the profile settings in Cura. I opened an old 2-part test print I still have but now cannot remember how to assign a specific part to a specific extruder and so on. Can anyone here please point me to a video-tutorial explaining this? Attached is a screenshot as designed with Tinkercad as well as a screenshot of the preview in Cura. I know this cannot be correct because I don't see the text in the block. Thanks. Deon
  5. Hi. Ultimaker Cura 5:2.1 I decided to print Auto Temp Towers for all filaments I currently have. I wanted to make sure I print them at the correct temperature. I only have about 11 rolls. I downloaded the "Auto Towers" extension and printed a couple but then had to print something else I needed to print. I printed with the current filament which was still in after the temp tower. The correct temperature for this is 190C. I couldn't understand why it was stringing. I checked and the temperature was 230C. I cleared the building plate with Ctrl-N and opened the STL again and printed again. (I have a Duet board and checked as it prints in the browser.) And then, at layer 4 the temperature changed to 230. I downloaded the code and searched through it and noticed that the whole script is almost scattered with AutoTowersGenerator code. I realised that although the STL changed, Cure still used the Auto Temp Tower's temperature settings. Here is The first piece of code where I realised that Cure didn't clear the Temp settings: ;LAYER:4 M104 S230 ; AutoTowersGenerator setting temperature to 230 for first section M117 Temp 230 ; AutoTowersGenerator added I found with regular intervals M104 commands to drop the temperature with 5C. I know that when doing Auto Temp Towers that I had to remove the script where I manually created script to change the temperature every so many layers. Please advise if I am doing something wrong or is there a script I need to run to clear the AutoTowersGenerator script from Cura's head? Thanks.
  6. Hi and thanks for your help. Cura 4.13.1 I need to print some test cubes to calibrate Z. I use a plain cube, no letters on it. But, the wall lines stand proud of the top layer. Not by much but I think enough to throw out my Z measurements. I will appreciate your suggestions.
  7. PLEASE IGNORE The fault was that I accidentally imported a project which I saved from PrusSlicer. 🙊
  8. Hi and thank you for your help. Currently using PrusaSlicer but have seen some nice tutorials from a couple of Cura users and want to give it a go. My setup: Ender 5 Pro Duet WiFi 2.0 board RepRap firmware Form some reason my prints don't start. It runs through bed & nozzle heating, ABL & prints the line on the left. And then the nozzle goes to the back right corner and switches off the bed and hot end. My suspicion is that it has something to do with my G-Code. I copied and pasted my start & end code from PS and realised I had to change the settings bed & material temperatures. I will appreciate your help. Thanks. Here is my current scarting code: ; start code T0 ; select tool 1 G28 ; home all M104 S{material_print_temperature} ; set extruder temp M140 S{material_bed_temperature} ; set bed temp M190 S{material_bed_temperature} ; wait for bed temp M109 S{material_print_temperature} ; wait for extruder temp G29 ; do abl ; G29 S1 ; use stored bed mesh ; G91 G1 E0 F10 ; feed 91mm of filament G1 E90 F500 G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle 5mm G1 X4 Y10 F3000 G1 Z0.28 F240 G92 E0 G1 Y190 E15 F1500 ; intro line G1 X4 F5000 G92 E0 G1 Y10 E15 F1200 ; intro line G92 E0 ; end code G91 ; change to relative positioning G1 E-90 F1000 ; Retract filament 90mm G1 Z20 F500 ; lower bed 20mm from current position G90 ; change to absolute positioning G1 X200 Y200 ; move tool to back right M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed M104 S0 ; turn off temperature ;M107 ; turn off fan M84 X Y E ; disable motors
  9. Thanks very much. Appreciate your help. I have downloaded & installed it but cannot find it.
  10. I am looking for a Ender 5 Profile with Dual Extrusion. I downloaded & installed the "Printer Settings Plugin" but could not find anything about it on my machine. It says installed when I click on the Marketplace button under Installed. Please advise what I am missing. Thanks.
  11. So I added another extruder to my Ender 5 Pro. I put together a skeleton Dual Extruder Profile from scratch but not happy at all with it. Someone here that can give me a hand in creating one? I also could not use any of my old Ender 5 Single Extruder profiles, and they worked almost perfect. Your suggestions and help will be most welcome. Thanks.
  12. Hi. I moved from 4.7.1 to 4.8 full, not Beta. I am missing the preview animation bar at the bottom. Do I need to check a box to see it? I can see the one on the right and it works perfect. Thanks.
  13. Thanks. I had to choose another printer which by default has 2 extruders. But, now it doesn't want to import my "old" profiles. I get the error s per attachment.
  14. Thanks again for the reply. Yes, did click the gear and checked all for the different settings. In my printer's (Ender 5 Pro) machine settings, it does not allow me to change the "Number of Extruders" from 1 to 2. It is a dropdown list and does not contain 2. I think I am stuck and need to choose another printer with 2 extruders ,,, hope not.
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