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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. Hello all. Can I power a second board like a makerbase robin using the Ultiboard?
  2. Hello all. Thank you for everything, it everything running. Now I wish to turn off hotend fan below 60C and install a second MCU (a Makerbase robin e3d 2209 drivers) for the mecanical parts (X, Y, Z, extruder) so I can get all the advantages of modern drivers without leaving the PT100 sensors uncovered. I can't find a cfg that correctly works to turn off the hotend fan and can't find a way of powering the second board using de ultiboard. Any suggestion?
  3. Later is better then never. it is so because you are givin too much pressure on the spring. The bed is hitting the wire contact housing at the corner left back.
  4. Hello, how are you… I know I’m late, but, what nobody ever talked about and I think is the more important: what about flow?
  5. This very problem occurs without klipper. Some people try to manage this with overlap percentage
  6. https://biqu.equipment/collections/control-board/products/bigtreetech-tango-v1-0-motherboard-upgrade-on-the-basis-of-rumba-control-board-for-3d-printer Is it a possible ultiboard replacement? Furthermore, aside de pt100 thermistors, once you get rid of them, the obvious way is to replace the original board for any market board like BTTs or else and use Klipper.
  7. https://biqu.equipment/collections/control-board/products/bigtreetech-tango-v1-0-motherboard-upgrade-on-the-basis-of-rumba-control-board-for-3d-printer is it possible to be used?
  8. It inverted de X or Y axis by itself. It happened to me sometimes...
  9. Cura 5.1 works in Catalina 10.15. Any Cura beyond that (5.1.1 and above) is not working. It is bad...
  10. As far as I know the project is not maintained anymore. I use the latest version v19. Sometimes in the middle of the print it stops the print, remove the filament, put it back again and then resume. I use a 40w heater cartridge.
  11. You have to make a bezel in the inner wall of the bowden tube - the part that fits inside de feeder, normally 60°, using a specific tool or manually with a razor.
  12. The stepper motor bearing. I ordered the same product number from Pololu but the shaft has a different size (don’t know why). Then I opened the stepper motors and swapped the bearings.
  13. I seriously thought about printing the DDG case and using the internals but never found the files ou STL
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