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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

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  1. Hello, One of our Ultimaker S5 PRO struggle recognizing the Ultimaker filament in one of the slots (Slot E). Steps: open the material bay door insert the spool with the sticker on the left (filament going down) guide the filament tip into the chosen extruder the screen shows a yellow exclamation mark, the filament spool is not recognized We have tried several spools and materials in several slots. In all other slots, the material recognition works fine. As we see it, it must be something with the printer (Faulty NFC/RFID-reader? Loos cable?). How can we fix this?
  2. I'm printing with a water soluble support filament, and with low infill density. After placing the parts in water, to remove the support, the parts are filled with water. I do not need a waterproof part, only a way to remove the water. - Is there a infill pattern with open cells/open walls? (I can drill holes in some of the parts, but not all. And not always the top or bottom.) - Is there a way to make the top or bottom less waterproff, so it will be self draining? - Is there a way to make the part completly waterproof? - Other sugestions? Ultimaker PVA or equivalent.
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