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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2 (Ext

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  1. I have been using this machine (on loan from a good friend) now for 6 months (I have run about 4kg of PLA). Since I got it I have had to: re-solder the thermister on the bed (Bed temp error) re-flow the solder on the connector on the bed (Bed power cutting out) replace the bare wire to screw terminal connections with crimp on ferrule connectors to improve (bed/thermister connection errors) All of these worked - and I was able to get back up printing but this morning I discovered the bed won't heat - after just last night completing a 36 hour print. Before I look again for a root cause I have a few questions: Is there an updated bed replacement? Is there any reason why I can't replace the stiff bed power supply wires with a more supple silicone covered wire replacement of appropriate gage? Is there a better way to connect the thermister and power wiring to the bed to reduce strain on the cable harness (the apparent source of the majority of the bed issues) from the forum activity - this is a persistent problem - are the folks at Ultimaker considering a better design for this machine? - hence the question about an updated design. I print a lot - and need a printer that will deliver on request - and not be on a voyage of discovery every time there is an error keeping me from printing. I don't want to be a printer expert - that is why I expected a lot from the Ultimaker - is this a misguided perception of the Ultimaker brand being of a robust design? I can fix it - I can re-engineer the bed cable interface to mitigate future mechanical failures - I would like to know if this has been fixed - and how to get the updated bed.
  2. I am new to the Ultimaker - I have an Ultimaker 2+ modified to 1.75mm filament. I am using Cura 5.1 I would like to print using Overture PETG but cannot find any profiles for PETG under materials - generic or otherwise. Where would I find the generic PETG material profile for Cura and how do I load it so it is an available selection? Where would I find the Overture PETG material profile for Cura and how do I load it so it is an available selection?
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