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  1. Ano, rozmery po tlaci nie su pre mna dostatocne. Potrebujem dodrzat 38, 23 a 10mm v tolerancii 0 -0,1. Vytvoril som si aplikaciu na prepocet celkovej vysky voci prvej a dalsim vrstvam. A funguje aj pri tlaci. Ale by som potreboval aj tie ostatne 🙂 Dakujem za kazdy napad. Yes, the dimensions after printing are not enough for me. I need to keep 38, 23 and 10mm in a tolerance of 0-0.1. I created an application to calculate the total height of the first and other layers. And it works even when printing. But I would also need the others 🙂 Thanks for any idea.
  2. I have Ender 5 Pro, Ultikaker Cura 5.2.1, Marlin
  3. Zdravim Vas, je mozne v Ultimaker Cura 5.x.x zmenit vysku vrstvy? Napriklad: prvych 10mm chcem vrstvu 0,3 a dalsich 20mm vrstvu 0,2. Hello, is it possible to change the layer height in Ultimaker Cura 5.x.x? For example: I want layer 0.3 for the first 10mm and layer 0.2 for the next 20mm. Thanks
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