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  • 3D printer
    I have no 3D printer

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  1. @gr5, @GregValiant I guess my printer is at 1%, I started to suspect the under extrusion because: The prints were showing me that problem. The extruder stepper was making a different sound than it usually does, I was holding the filament while it was being fed and I noticed that it was moving very slowly. Having recently changed the extruder also made me doubt, the original Tevo printer stepper has a gearbox. In the end, it changed from 800 steps to 1388, which was the result I obtained to compensate for the 5.7mm movement, against the expected 10mm. The benchy looks very good but other impressions make me see that perhaps there is too much material, it accumulates a bit on short trips. I see accumulated material at the base, I will try to compensate it by lowering the value of "flow" a little.
  2. i suppose im not entirely happy with it, as its something wrong with G28, but yeah, i can print now. For my next problem will it be best to open a new thread isnt? My benchy shows 2 issues under extrusion (i have the suspicion that the printer did not stored my changes when i fixed steps in Extruder motor, expected 10mm and moved 5.7mm) and a problem with retraction, i think
  3. Hi! at least every time i do changes from the screen and use save settings it doesn't do it haha I put that second G28 only for X in my Start G-code and solved my Z axis homing problem temporarily, its printing in place and without problem (3.5 hours print), still i dont see it as a solution per se. I`ll try your suggestion when it finish the print 🙂 Thank you!. I suppose they exist different home sequences and i need to change the one my firmware is calling with G28. I just dont know how 😞
  4. Hi thank you for the help Greg, just posted another response to Gr5 with some answers to those questions, flavor i think is marlin, or that is what it says in the gcode Screen capture i took, it has home offset and save settings, but oddly "save settings" from the screen doesnt work, so i send a M500 code. has a USB and SD card slot.
  5. The printer is a Tevo Black Widow, has a 8 bit board, MKS 1.4. The original for the printer, replaced drivers with 2130s, Screen+SD for a mini12864 from Bigthreetech, and an orbiter extruder. Print area is supposed to be X400 x Y250 x Z250. I did what you told me, send Gcodes manually and saw the problem in the fist step, in the home process, X axis has no physical problem to move, but fails when G28 commando tries to home Z axis, its programmed to go center i think because the printer originally had a BL Touch. I wanted to modify what it does when i home Z, if i try to home Z only with G28 it does all the axis, X an Y can home alone but not Z, as a temporary fix i will tell the printer in the Start G-code to home X after Z, to have the real coordinates
  6. There is my problem!, in the first step, when home the machine this is what it does: 1 - Z lifts normally 10mm or less 2 - X displaces left, normally until reaches origin sensor 3 - Y displaces up, normally to orgin sensor 4 - Both X and Y try to move to center but only Y reaches the mid point. X moves a small distance, maybe 10mm, then another 10 when y ends moving. 5 - To that point screen displays that the Extruder is at the center X = 175, Y = 125. That is why the Start G-code sequence was hitting X carriage an the beginning. Now... why is that happening? hahaha! I dont see X having mechanical problems to move, if i place the piece to print in the right mid of the plate it works fine Ill try to attach a video of home sequence
  7. It's getting very confusing for me, I tried to use another slicer and the same error occurred, the piece was printed in the wrong place only on the X axis. , but I am also sure that I was printing benchys after the printer was already working. This error resulted from formatting my PC, that's why I thought it would be something that changed in Cura Very confusing, for now I will try to find an error in the firmware, if you can point me to what to look for, I have an idea but I don't usually work much in Marlin, only when there is an error or the printer I need some change. Thank you very much for your response
  8. Hi! i had to make a clean install of windows as i was replacing my SSD with a M.2. Installed the new version of Cura and started having this problem with the coordinates. It doesnt respect the place i put the piece to print in the Build Plate, When the print starts it does it at x=0 for the start point of the print, if there is something more to the left it sounds like the printer tries to go to negative values in X, as far as I can see there is no problem with the axis Y. I place it at the other end of the plate (as seen on the screenshot) and it prints it 4 cm from the left edge I noticed that although the Origin is declared in the lower left corner, the coordinates in Cura appear from the center In Start G-Code i removed X0.0 from "perform wipe and prime" because it was doing something similar, after homing it was trying to go negative in X axis Thanks for all the help you can give me
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