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Posts posted by rahul_r

  1. Hello,


    I am currently working a filament mixing printer for an optical characterization process.


    I am using secondary models to purge residual colors before transitioning to the next color and we do this every single layer. We are choosing not to change the orientation of the model as we have more complex models in mind that will mandate intralayer color changes



    By carefully positioning the purge towers, we have seen promising results that allow us to switch colors using this type of approach quite well.


    However, inside of cura, we have noticed that the order of the colors that are extruded per layer tends to change to minimize the number of color changes. Would it be possible for us to fix this order ? For example we would ideally want :

    LAYER INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Print PURGE Yellow
    Step 2: Print MAIN MODEL Yellow
                     Step 3: Print PURGE Green
                    Step 4: Print MAIN MODEL Green
                    Step 5: Print PURGE PURPLE

    I would want this specific order of Steps 1-6 fixed for every single layer.

    The current project file I have uploaded shows the alternating order of printing as a function of increasing layers that I am trying to fix.  I have attached it for your convenience

    Thank you your your assistance.




  2. Hello,


    I am working on this project along with @fangq..

    Attached is a current project file:


    Note I am currently working with a 4 in 1 out ZoneStar printer. Those blocks in the front of the file I am essentially using as "purge blocks" every layer so I can smoothly switch between colors. I have already tried to play with the combing settings/ travel avoid distances. While I have shown an improvement over @fangq 's posted results, I was still wondering if there was a way to further eliminate those cross model travel paths.





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