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  1. DaBrain0815's post in Platform model duplicated when moved was marked as the answer   
    Thank you for your feedback.
    There is BreadthFirstIterator and DepthFirstIterator, see: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Cura-Scene-Graph#accessing-scenenodes-in-the-scene

    Why should the printer platform itself be sliceable?
    Not that you mistake me: I talk about the platform that represents the printer itself in Cura as seen in my screenshot.

    Currently I'm iterating through the nodes and save the seemingly right on in a variable to later process it to save time and resources, maybe this somehow copies the platform.
    Will check this.
    With separate iterator-loops where I move all platform nodes it is working like a charm and does not seem to produce some memory leaks.
    That is some good news in the morning. 😄
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