I second this motion. These bugs are driving me crazy! so what happens on Jul 1? New firmware?!
Small bug in the software if 'pause' AND 'abort'
- 2 weeks later...
tinkergnome 929
I second this motion. These bugs are driving me crazy! so what happens on Jul 1? New firmware?!
@wdwms - just a suggestion:
You should report this issue on GitHub, that's the direct way to get in touch with the firmware developers.
Just follow the link, sign in and open a "New issue" with the green button.
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Labern 775
Yes this has been there a while. you may just have to wait til the first of July
Not sure if its fixed in the new upcoming cura version though.
You can just turn the printer off after aborting it and push the filament in by hand before you start the next print.
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