DidierKlein 729
You can test the extrusion with the cylinder test
You have to put the temp to 230°c for this test.
On average a UM2 should be able to do 7mm3/s approximately, it's possible to do more with some modification (for me the Feeder from IRobertI is a good start).
What filament are you using? And what is the temperature?
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DidierKlein 729
The sound you hear is a protection for the motor. It tries to push the filament but for a reason or another it can't so to prevent the motor from damage it skips a step (making a "Tac" sound).
This can happen for multiple reasons, print parameters incorrect (to cold, or to fast or both), partially clogged nozzle, friction in the bowden, bad filament (over 3mm).
Do you have any problems for your prints (underextrusion?), does it happen at the beggining of the print (bed too close).
For guides you can have a look at this one it's a good start
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Okay, but is it normal that it does 'tac' with standard cura settings? (50mm/s ; 2.0mm^/s)
I have cleaned the nozzle as they advice here:
it all came out clear. I personnaly don't expect the nozzle to be clogged because I am only printing for like a week or so.
I do have underextrusion, and as i sad before, under standard cura settings..
If i put the speed down to like 45mm/s and some adjustments to the infill speed etc. I am able to print without underextrustion, but in my believe the printer should be capable to print way faster. (at least thats what i read on some forums)
Is there a standard what your UM2 should be capable of? like 8mm^3/s or anything like it?
And if there is, is there a particular way to test it?
thanks for the guides, I'm gonna take a look at em!
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