There is no reason to touch firmware to print pet. What they offer is a cura profile. Basically how to optimise your print settings. I did not look at the settings they offer but in my experience pet prints fine on UM2 at higher temps. I guess at least 245c. This will shorten the life of your ptfe (the little white thing in you printhead) which can relatively easy be replaced. but best to keep a spare.
Thanks for the great advice! I also emailed MadeSolid, and I just received an email from MadeSolid's CTO David Rorex--and they also tell me not to touch the firmware on the Ultimaker 2 Extended as they are working on updated instructions which should be on their website in a few days
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ultiarjan 1,223
There is no reason to touch firmware to print pet. What they offer is a cura profile. Basically how to optimise your print settings. I did not look at the settings they offer but in my experience pet prints fine on UM2 at higher temps. I guess at least 245c. This will shorten the life of your ptfe (the little white thing in you printhead) which can relatively easy be replaced. but best to keep a spare.
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