It might recover in some time - I understand the reasons for the change but it was to prioritise new user take-up but broke the link with 'old' users who provided much of the interaction. As the traction improves it may pick back up.
There are probably very good reasons for UM to go from tinkerer to newbie - there are pitfalls (think takerbot) and hopefully we wont go down that route!
this forum is still broken - there are signposted upgrades (to bring back previous stickiness) but at the moment is it still one step forward, two steps back - step forward is branding, steps back functionality.
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neotko 1,417
I think the navigation patterns have change. It's horrible to check forum sections (3 clicks a lots of scrolling on movile) it's something I just don't bother. I just check last posts and because when you enter a post you don't see what section it is... New stuff I can see and read. If it goes beyond that page I will never ever see it.
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