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Cura 15.06.02


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Posted (edited) · Cura 15.06.02

Hi everyone,

Today we've released Cura 15.06.02 with a host of fixes and improvements. Release notes:


  • Loading of models has been improved and should load as fast as before.
  • When changing setting visibility in the configuration dialog, we now also display tooltips that describe what the settings do.
  • On Windows, you can now load larger models. We've tweaked memory usage in this release, however a more structural solution will be implemented in a future release.
  • It's now possible to remove machines that were added during the current session.
  • A notification is displayed when the mesh file fails to load. The progress bar used to stay there, but now we're displaying a notification that the file failed to load.
  • We've made sure that USB printing and firmware updates work on all supported platforms.
  • Cura now processes layer data only when the layer view is active. This helps with improved responsiveness in normal view when dealing with large models. This problem still occurs in the layer view and needs more analysis before this issue can be solved.
  • Cura displays the current layer number in the layer view.
  • When a user chooses an infill amount of 0, the object will print hollow.
  • The Cura engine would crash when selecting raft as platform adhesion. This has been fixed.
  • Wire printing would crash the Cura engine when selected. This has been fixed.
  • The "reload all" context menu works again.
  • The build plate state will now reset properly when the build plate is cleared.
  • We've added a crash handler so uncaught exceptions are properly handled. Instead of getting an unhelpful dialog referring to a file that does not exist, we properly catch errors and provide some guidance on how to report them.


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Posted (edited) · Cura 15.06.02

Hey, this is weird... I still get the "Errors in Cura.exe" error, instead of a new Crash handler. Perhaps there was some remnant of the 02 preview? I'll uninstall and try again.

Update: nope... Uninstalled 15.06.02, uninstalled 15.06.01 (just to be sure), made sure there was no 15.06.02 folder left in Program Files, redownloaded todays 15.06.02 and installed it. After playing around in layer view, I still get the "Errors in Cura.exe" dialog instead of the Crash handler.

Edited by Guest
tried again
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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    I installed 15.06.02 because I have a Windows computer. However, when I opened the program for the first time. My Printrbot Simple Metal was not on the list of printers, to be selected. How can I use this current version without my printer being on that list?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    I installed 15.06.02 because I have a Windows computer. However, when I opened the program for the first time. My Printrbot Simple Metal was not on the list of printers, to be selected. How can I use this current version without my printer being on that list?


    You will need to add the profile yourself. All profiles that are not Ultimakers will need to be contributed by community members / other companies (as they have been in the past).

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    New Cura (15.02.06) still does not work.


    You need to be more specific before we can help you. What didnt work? What machine are you on? Did you install the latest graphic drivers? What errors were displayed? What was in the log file?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    @Arjen, or whoever makes binary packages:

    What about google protobuf? You seem to have it removed from the deb since 15.06.01 (what I see as a correct decision).

    But now I need protobuf ver. 3.0 (specifically: libprotobuf.so.10) to run CuraEngine on Debian and it is not in the dependencies, and not in the system rep. Only libprotobuf9 is available.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Still no nozzle option :( No real use for it then, as I print 0.8mm mostly

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Still no nozzle option :(No real use for it then, as I print 0.8mm mostly


    There won't be a nozzle option as you have to use the line width options.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02


    I've been using Cura with my BQ Prusa I3 Hephestos, but the new versions only have ultimaker printers.... will the program only be available for ultimaker from now on, is it still possible to configure other types of printers ??

    Best Regards

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    There will definitely be lots of printers added to Cura in the future. As in the past though, mostly only when someone from the community creates a profile and then does a pull request. I recommend sticking with the slightly older version of Cura for a few more months and then checking back. Even Ultimaker owners are mostly using the older Cura I suspect. But it gets better every week!

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Can anybody of you run Cura 15.06.02 on a kubuntu system?

    If I try to run it I get the following message:


    $ cura_app.py kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Brezza)"2015-07-18 10:11:15,390 - INFO - Loaded plugin ConsoleLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,415 - INFO - Loaded plugin FileLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,468 - INFO - Loaded plugin LocalFileStorage2015-07-18 10:11:15,470 - INFO - Loaded plugin MeshView2015-07-18 10:11:15,472 - INFO - Loaded plugin WireframeView2015-07-18 10:11:15,473 - INFO - Loaded plugin LayerView2015-07-18 10:11:15,475 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,476 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,478 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,479 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,481 - INFO - Loaded plugin GCodeWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,497 - INFO - Loaded plugin RotateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,499 - INFO - Loaded plugin SelectionTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,501 - INFO - Loaded plugin TranslateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,504 - INFO - Loaded plugin MirrorTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,507 - INFO - Loaded plugin ScaleTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,508 - INFO - Loaded plugin CameraTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,510 - INFO - Checking for new version of cura2015-07-18 10:11:15,513 - INFO - Loaded plugin UpdateChecker2015-07-18 10:11:15,518 - INFO - Loaded plugin USBPrinting2015-07-18 10:11:15,523 - INFO - Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend2015-07-18 10:11:16,247 - DEBUG - Loaded theme /usr/share/cura/resources/themes/curafile:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Menu.qml:146: TypeError: Cannot read property '__contentItem' of nullfile:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Menu.qml:146: TypeError: Cannot read property '__contentItem' of nullfile:///usr/share/cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:119:22: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool2015-07-18 10:11:16,403 - INFO - Started engine process: /usr/bin/CuraEngineQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( imageTexture ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( imageTexture ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_overhangColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_overhangColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQQuickCustomMaterialShader: Shader compilation failed:""QOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( src ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_SubRect_src ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Opacity ): shader program is not linkedErrore di segmentazione (core dump creato)


    and there is a log file generated wich contains the following text


    $ cat cura.log 2015-07-18 10:11:15,415 - INFO - Loaded plugin FileLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,468 - INFO - Loaded plugin LocalFileStorage2015-07-18 10:11:15,470 - INFO - Loaded plugin MeshView2015-07-18 10:11:15,472 - INFO - Loaded plugin WireframeView2015-07-18 10:11:15,474 - INFO - Loaded plugin LayerView2015-07-18 10:11:15,475 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,476 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,478 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,479 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,481 - INFO - Loaded plugin GCodeWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,497 - INFO - Loaded plugin RotateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,499 - INFO - Loaded plugin SelectionTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,501 - INFO - Loaded plugin TranslateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,504 - INFO - Loaded plugin MirrorTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,507 - INFO - Loaded plugin ScaleTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,508 - INFO - Loaded plugin CameraTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,510 - INFO - Checking for new version of cura2015-07-18 10:11:15,513 - INFO - Loaded plugin UpdateChecker2015-07-18 10:11:15,518 - INFO - Loaded plugin USBPrinting2015-07-18 10:11:15,523 - INFO - Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend2015-07-18 10:11:16,247 - DEBUG - Loaded theme /usr/share/cura/resources/themes/cura2015-07-18 10:11:16,403 - INFO - Started engine process: /usr/bin/CuraEngine


    any way to fix it?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    There won't be a nozzle option as you have to use the line width options.


    Line width... But wont that just try to use the 0.4mm nozzle width and the feed rate to come to the correct thickness? Possibly mess up completely if there's a 0.8mm nozzle in there?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Don't understand the question. What you call "nozzle diameter", Cura now calls "line width".

    Line width controls the distance between traces when you have a 100% infill (like bottom and top surfaces) and it controls how much plastic to extrude (the amount to get the right line width). Those values used be controlled in the old cura by a combination of shell and nozzle. Now it's better - you have direct control - at least for top/bottom surfaces. I'm not sure what the new cura does if shell width isn't a multiple of line width.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Don't understand the question.  What you call "nozzle diameter", Cura now calls "line width".


    I perceive line width as "how width the line of plastic is that the printer lays down in a single go". As I interpret this its a calculation using the nozzle diameter, a layer height and a feed rate.

    If the line width is now what we used to call the nozzle diameter it is a very confusing name, but then that is indeed what I was looking for. I still think that nozzle diameter is more clear but that is my opinion on the matter.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02


    @Blizz: Nozzle diameter doesn't matter for that calculation. If you use a smaller nozzle then filament is just more squeezed out of the nozzle than when using a larger nozzle. The amount extruded is determined by the layer height, the line width and the speed. No nozzle size needed... ;)

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    I've been an Ultimaker / Cura user for about 3 years now. I've downloaded and installed 15.06.02 and I can't even find a PRINT button. All I have is a "Save to Disk" button in the lower right.

    I see that in the release, one of the line items is: We've made sure that USB printing and firmware updates work on all supported platforms. I'm connected, and I've updated the firmware on my UM original. There is no print button.

    Any help?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    As I interpret this its a calculation using the nozzle diameter, a layer height and a feed rate.  


    Well, layer height isn't related to the line width or the nozzle width and neither is feed rate. "line width" is something that the old cura calculated based on shell width and nozzle size. If shell width was an integral multiple of nozzle size then line width was always equal to nozzle size.

    This was very confusing in the old cura because you could say nozzle size was .4 but if you asked for a shell of .5mm then ALL line widths were printed .5mm wide as though you had a .5mm nozzle and people would get massive underextrusion and they didn't realize it was because they had the wrong shell width. If you asked for a shell of .9 in the old cura with a .4 nozzle you got two passes of .45mm line width each. And all the infill was also .45mm line width even though infill shouldn't be affected by shell width.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    I've been using Cura with my BQ Prusa I3 Hephestos, but the new versions only have ultimaker printers.


    Take a look at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/master/resources/settings. Here you can find all the machines that have been added but are not yet in a release.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    any way to fix it?


    Get a graphics card that supports open-gl 2.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    There is no print button.


    Could you post the log file?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    This was very confusing in the old cura because you could say nozzle size was .4 but if you asked for a shell of .5mm then ALL line widths were printed .5mm wide as though you had a .5mm nozzle and people would get massive underextrusion and they didn't realize it was because they had the wrong shell width.  If you asked for a shell of .9 in the old cura with a .4 nozzle you got two passes of .45mm line width each.  And all the infill was also .45mm line width even though infill shouldn't be affected by shell width.


    So this implies that the machine can print a wider (or narrower) line width than the actual nozzle diameter right? How would this actually work though? By increasing/decreasing the flow rate? And what are the the maximum and minimum percentages that Cura will try to achieve? (eg. Line width = 50-150% Nozzle diameter). Lastly, optimum quality is achieved when Line width = Nozzle diameter right?

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02

    Yes. You got it in one. I don't know about the newer version of cura that came out in July but the older versions of Cura had a formula. Here's the actual code. But as long as shell width was a integer multiple of nozzle width then line width was nozzle width. Unless you click "spiralize" in which case linewidth = shell width (it does the whole shell in one pass).


    def calculateEdgeWidth():wallThickness = getProfileSettingFloat('wall_thickness')nozzleSize = getProfileSettingFloat('nozzle_size')if getProfileSetting('spiralize') == 'True' or getProfileSetting('simple_mode') == 'True':return wallThicknessif wallThickness < 0.01:return nozzleSizeif wallThickness < nozzleSize:return wallThicknesslineCount = int(wallThickness / (nozzleSize - 0.0001))if lineCount == 0:return nozzleSizelineWidth = wallThickness / lineCountlineWidthAlt = wallThickness / (lineCount + 1)if lineWidth > nozzleSize * 1.5:return lineWidthAltreturn lineWidth


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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02


    I've been using Cura with my BQ Prusa I3 Hephestos, but the new versions only have ultimaker printers.... will the program only be available for ultimaker from now on, is it still possible to configure other types of printers  ??

    Best Regards


    The profiles for BQ printers have been adapted for the new version of Cura (15.06). I am sure they will be available in the next Cura release.

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    Posted · Cura 15.06.02


    Cura still doesn't show the model after loading STL file. The slicing interactions work, but I don't see anything.

    Using Cura on the Mac an have this problem since 15.06.0.


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