I tried the two layers of tape + wipe with acetone, I was amazed at how well it stayed straight on the bottom layer. I deliberately printed something that previously warped like crazy, to the point of the bottom of the object actually being rounded.
Keep in mind the following caveats:
1) Its poorly supported anecdotal evidence (worked so far on a few prints, in my experience, but haven't tested it lots).
2) I'm not sure if it was the 2 layers of tape, or the acetone, or both.
3) There might be other factors in play -- the outside temperatures have dropped ten degrees lately, maybe it curls less in cooler weather.
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fluxline 0
I would just add to the list, just things I've tried that have both worked ... and not.
- with the 2 layers of blue tape, wipe down the first layer with acetone/alcohol and let dry before putting on the second layer. also, make sure that whatever you wipe down with is not from your wife/girlfriends stash, both often have some oils in them.
- put the layer that the fan turns on at layer 2 or 3 instead of 1. I actually pointed a halogen light at the print while printing and then turned it off after about 10 layers. others with more experience might comment on if this actually helped or not but i got my print and cold have been just luck.
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