Thanks for the suggestions!
I purchased the Ultimaker 2 today and have been testing today. Printed the Robot sample which I was very impressed with! However having issues printing the cuboid. The first layer sticks without any issues - but the next 3-4 layers are troublesome. The infill layers do no seem to be sticking to each other that well and the walls/shells are being pulled in/collapsing. I was printing at 0.4mm layer height with 0/8mm shell thickness. Is this pushing the Ultimaker too far? I'm just testing with 0.25mm layers with 0.5mm shells. Printing speed is at 100mm/s with travel speed at 150mm/s. I'll post results of my next print!
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gr5 2,295
Yes. It couldn't do one 220X220 because of the clips but since one of your dimensions (172mm) is nice and small for the platform this is an easy print. Well, easy for me. The biggest issue would be warping off the bed - this is a solved issue but new people still struggle with it.
Basically you would need to print some brim on the bottom layer that you can cut off with a razor after the print is done. You would need to use the heated bed at 60C and some glue (comes with the printer). You might be unsuccessful at first but post on the forums here and I'll help you get that cuboid to stick so well you will be amazed. Brim is a feature of Cura.
I recommend you download Cura (it's free at UM website) and slice your cuboid and look where it places the brim (layer view) and where the clips are that hold the glass down on the print bed (they are shown visually in Cura) and you can rotate around and see it from different angles - you will have lots of margin. You can also rotate the cuboid on the bed.
ABS is MUCH harder to print this large as it shrinks twice as much as PLA and I recommend PLA. You would probably have to enclose the top and front yourself to keep it sticking to the glass at those dimensions.
If you want it water tight you will want to use a larger nozzle - I recommend a 0.8mm nozzle which can also print 4X faster (4X the area). You can get 3rd party nozzles if you as this forum how.
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neotko 1,417
I had a davinci aio and a duo and well ultimaker it's just a completely different world. But even on davinci you couldndo that, just use hair spray so the abs don't move on that glass (it's really bad the glass of davinci) the downside it's because that glass it's really bad it can break (check solidodle davinci forum). For abs to avoid warping on the davinci what I usually did was to put blue tape covered with hair spray apllied with a sponge. It hard really hard to take off the print but works. On um2 abs I just can't give you any clue but move to pla, it seems better and it's less dangerous for your lungs.
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