So should it actually be changing the temperature setting on my Ultimaker 2 Go? It stays at 210 unless I manually change it on the machine regardless of what I have the Cura/Gcode file set at.
DidierKlein 729
If the GCode flavor is set to reprap then it should overide the setting on the printer, you will have a message when starting the print like nallath said: This will override machine settings.
If the GCode flavor is set to UltiGCode then the temperature settings is taken from the currently set material, it can be customised on the printer directly
OK, thanks!
The 'official' way of doing it is changing it on the machine.
The official way recommended for "new users" would be on the machine. That's how I do it also. But different people like different work flow.
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nallath 1,125
Yes. It should add the heat command to the g-code. In the case of an UM2 you should get a warning saying something like "This wil override machine settings'
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