I don't know about anyone else, but I can't seem to get your video(s) to show up. Maybe try uploading them to Youtube if you have an account there?
As for the curling. Could be that there's a small nick on the nozzle that is causing the filament to drag on one side which makes it curl up. Or it could simply be that it's dirty. Or, it could just be "shit happens". If I see it happening on one of my printers I usually just grab the filament as it's coming out and pull it downwards gently for the first couple of seconds, after that gravity usually takes over.
But in general, platform adhesion problems on the first layer is almost always just a case of getting the bed leveling correct and making sure the bed is either absolutely 100% clean or covered in a thin, even, coat of glue. Printing a bit hotter on the first layer can also be helpful in getting the plastic to flow out and stick better during the first layer.
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