Well i'm not old or wise but I already need to fill up those bald areas :(
but i would rather be bald then look like Donald Trump
Well i'm not old or wise but I already need to fill up those bald areas :(
but i would rather be bald then look like Donald Trump
Well i'm not old or wise but I already need to fill up those bald areas :(
but i would rather be bald then look like Donald Trump
Go bald and grow a beard!
Very cool. I'll have to read the papers and see if I can improve my flowers and jellyfish, and other drooloop designs.
could get some interesting effects on the bald bits with glow in the dark filament ! especially at Halloween
Edited by GuestAwesome. In the past, I've seen experiments that start with a blob overextruded on a 3d printed surface followed by rapid z-movements, but these were with toolheads with drive motors on them -- I am super excited to see experiments with bowden-based extruders!
I've had the Jean-Luc Picard look for a few years. Not sure I'd want 3D printed hair
Go bald and grow a beard!
Amen to that one!
Has anyone here experimented with setting this up and printing it for any given purpose on the Ultimaker?
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SandervG 1,522
That is pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of the droopy flowers @peetersm made.
Ah @Labern, one day when we grow old and wise we'll be happy to fill up those bald areas with some 3D printed hair
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