Hi! I'm encountering the same exact problem. Do you mind sharing how you fixed it? Thanks in advance!
If you could upload a picture of your current construction / status that would probably be very helpful
Thank you!
ARCHE did you heat the nozzle to 150C minimum?
Did you use a screwdriver to rotate the steel part? You need some tool that is skinny and fits into the holes.
If you can't rotate the round steel nut then take the whole head apart. Remove the top plate - there's 2 screws - careful to squeeze while unscrewing it as there is a strong spring.
Then you can remove the white teflon part (use a flat blade screwdriver and pry it out).
THEN you can insert a tool ALL THE WAY THROUGH the holes on the top of the isolator nut. Now it's easier to rotate. If you break anything you can get spare parts at 3dsolex.com.
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gr5 2,230
In the video they suggest you leave 3 of the screws in. At this point I recommend you take it all apart - remove the 4 screws, remove the 2 screws that hold the plate that the spring is pushing against, remove the white teflon piece, then try lifting the steel coupler up.
Probably the thin screw that holes the heater and temp sensor in place is making it difficult to get the block out. Better at this point to do it the "hard way" and so that you are gentle with the temp sensor and heater which are so easy to break.
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