many thanks for this quick and clear reply. I will look into this and reply again with result
many thanks for this quick and clear reply. I will look into this and reply again with result
Yep, had my fingers on wrong button.
I assume the other 'Material'-parameters (such as Z-hop and retraction length) are product-'sensitive' and setting these in Cura will mean a transfer to printer within the gcode. I will play around with it.
Thank you again.
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IRobertI 521
Settings such as temperature and filament diameter is set on the printer when you're using a UM2. The reason for this is so that you can use the same Gcode (the file cura produces) with different materials without having to re-slice it every time. You just change the material setting on the printer and go.
The numbers you're listing sounds like ABS settings. I'm guessing you've mistakingly set the machine to the ABS profile instead of the PLA profile. You can change this in the material menu on the printer.
You can also create several different profiles and store them on the printer for easy access. Here's a guide that shows you how:
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