Thanks for your replies.
Yes Dim3nsioneer, the aluminum frame would be strong and straightness should be checked frequently, I am wandering how to do it easily and properly, may be using dial indicators some how... I will have a look on BigRep. Since this printer is not intended for commercial affaires, the cost is not a priority, nevertheless I am looking for cheaper solutions but effective ones.
Labern... The gantry I am planning to use is an aluminum profile de 30 x 30 mm with a rail and guide for the printing head. I am trying to have as less weight as possible on that rail avoiding to place the step motor in the Y axis. Motor will be fixed to the frame, so it is not moving with the printing head. Concerning the changes in the program, I am happy to hear that those changes are not difficult to make but I do not know how to proceed. Calculating the parameters is not a problem but change them is another story. Any hint on that ?
I am not able to deal with electronic circuits, so changing the drivers on the circuit board is not my business. Probably it is better to leave the printing bed fixed and move the x and y axis frame up and down, in this way I can use the original stepper driver reducing the current in the motor drastically.
We'll see...
I am aware of the wrapping problem with large printing bed. Is the heating bed the only solution to that problem? Is it really a solution? Sorry I have not experience in 3D printing but I am eager to learn.
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Labern 775
For this size I think you are better off going for a H gantry with proper linear rails and bearings.
The program changes you are talking about are not major and can be easily done.
If you use the um original board the I believe the stepper drivers plug in. Unlike the UM0+ and UM2. These can be changed as there are topics of people changing them to a more quiet one. Maybe you can find one to handle the higher current or at least see the specs on what they can handle.
Just consider that the bigger the base the more prone to warping.
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