I seen this but with a few changes on how to produce it. It happens to me when I do steps calibration. If the stepper goes disabled after it has push some filament and then you tell the machine to push Xmm of filament, it goes forward more and sometimes retracts. After the initial wrong push/pull it goes ok. And indeed it's a bug for sure, but.. well, for me only affected the step calibration. Now that I know that bug I control it.
Past weekend when I was again calibrating my umo+ I had a error more close to what you say and the screen went bananas and I had to reboot since the ulticontroller did freeze. But since I wasn't printing I did even post it. Too bad I did delete the video of the bug, but since it's working fine atm...
Thanks for the info.
I find it funny that "Team Ultimaker" never ran into the issue in the 2 years the Ultimaker 2 has been for sale or maybe they are just not bothered enough to fix it, pity.
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neotko 1,417
I seen this but with a few changes on how to produce it. It happens to me when I do steps calibration. If the stepper goes disabled after it has push some filament and then you tell the machine to push Xmm of filament, it goes forward more and sometimes retracts. After the initial wrong push/pull it goes ok. And indeed it's a bug for sure, but.. well, for me only affected the step calibration. Now that I know that bug I control it.
Past weekend when I was again calibrating my umo+ I had a error more close to what you say and the screen went bananas and I had to reboot since the ulticontroller did freeze. But since I wasn't printing I did even post it. Too bad I did delete the video of the bug, but since it's working fine atm...
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