I'm bumping this, I'm actually having the same issue and it crashes my machine occasionally (UM 2+) -- I reinstalled the firmware running Cura 15.04.4, Should I try that again? I agree with SandervG it thinks I'm going through the initial setup phase every time I level the bed, but on step 21 when it says Ready to Print, sometimes it just freezes up and the lights go off, but the LCD remains lit.
Could you explain how you access the bed levelling procedure, when the UM2+ is thinking you are going through the setup phase?
I have done a factory reset and want to start all over again (Ultimaker 2+) when I am asked to insert the material, the little motor turn the other way around (counter clock wise) and will not "take in" the material. What is the reason for this problem and how can I insert the material?
SandervG, thanks for the reply! It's not the biggest deal in the world - very easy to work around as I'm not bed leveling that often. But when I do, I go to Maintenance --> Build Plate. I do not have an option under Advanced or anything like that to level.
Sorry, you are right. I did it by heart, and it is suppose to be maintenance.
Let me double check with our software guys, because you should just be able to level the bed.
@larsstenfeldt, maybe this thread could help you.
Hi @Rumbaughsm, I appears like you have stumbled upon a bug.
I have received the following as a temporarily work around until the issue is fixed:
The user is able to save all custom material profiles via the menu Material —> Settings —> 'export to SD’. After a bed levelling procedure all custom settings can be reloaded via the menu Material —> Settings —> 'import from SD’.
Thank you!
I didn't think of that! Good idea, and easy enough work around.
- 1 month later...
SandervG -- my firmware issue was resolved with the most recent update.
Thanks again!
- 1 month later...
I have upgraded my UM2 to UM2+ and I now have the same issue. Every time I switch on, I have to import all of my material settings from the SD card, rather than all of them being available on the machine. Firmware is 15.04.5.
- 3 weeks later...
I have got the same issue, everytime I switch on the UM2+ my on created settings are deleted. I'm using Firmware 15.04.6
zerspaner_gerd 383
I have the same problem with the Tinker Gnome firmware. look here
Apparently this is a firmware error, have something changed in the firmware so the problem was gone.
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SandervG 1,522
Hi @PrintingDutchman,
Welcome to the forum! Awesome name
It sounds like you go through the first run wizard every time.
In this wizard it assumes you turn on your Ultimaker 2+ for the first time, and helps you get started. Once you have completed the cycle, including selecting a material you have the option for future references to just only relevel the bed. You don't need to go through the entire wizard again. Go to maintenance, build volume.
As you probably know from your Ultimaker 2, you shouldn't need to level it a lot.
This should be a completely separate action from changing your material.
Which you can as well, under 'materials'.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
If my description does not match your workflow, could you step by step explain your workflow?
Thank you!
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