Exactly what I needed to know.
In the link you provided above, it seems that changing to 16 steps may reduce some of the Z axis noise, so I will give it a try.
Some people in that post speak of resonance effects, and I believe my custom UM2 build may suffer from it as well, especially since it is even taller than the UM2 extended. My construction is build around an 20x20 aluminum extrusion frame and covered with 4mm composite alu panels. The Z max is 435mm now, and to stabilize the bed somewhat, I have attached flange bearings also below the bed. These bottom bearings also serve as support for the two bed support arms I have mounted as well below the bed. I hope the pictures of my (unfinished but yet functional build) will make this clear.
To compensate for the weight of the supporting arms, I even cut away the same mass from the build plate. The weight of the build platform has thus increased only by the weight of the extra bearings.
I hope that increasing the number of microsteps will alleviate some of the (resonance?) noise I am experiencing when the Z stage is moving down during homing, but possibly, the Z is just too high with respect to the various shaft diameters involved to avoid resonance. Maybe I need to find other ways to dampen those vibrations...
Thanks tinkergnome!
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tinkergnome 929
It sets the microstepping for the z-axis, open=8 (default), closed=16.
AFAIK all other axis are already on 16 microsteps.
If you close it with a jumper don't forget to double the steps/mm for the z-axis (from 200 to 400). The sound is a bit different afterwards, but besides that i noticed neither benefits nor drawbacks...
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