You could try to decrease the angle number. The roughness is because of the print overhanging. Adding more supports will help solve this.
I'm not sure there is any good way to print this any better than what you are doing. But in general for overhangs like this you want MORE FAN! So if you could add a desk fan or something it would likely help some.
I've got several small fans I can try to use... I'll dig one up!
It probably won't help much. There's more details about the problem and solutions but your print looks about as good as I've ever seen it:
What causes raised edges and crappy quality on overhangs.
Skip right to "page 2" and look at foehnstrum's video and read all the posts after that possibly. It's not until around post #39 and later that we really
begin to understand what causes the issue.
The problem has to do with the fact that liquid PLA is stretchy like melted mozzarella cheese or like mucus. The liquid plastic is pulling like a rubber
band as it goes down and creates a lip or raised edge where there is an overhang. The effect gets stronger on each succeeding layer. It is what causes the
lower quality "look" of overhangs. Sometimes the part will actually rip free from the bed because of this (which is easily fixed by making parts stick like hell - another topic).
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