Im gathering the basic info but on my initial tests everything should work. But ofc I don't have the um2+ kit yet, so it's all theory and test on 3d files.
I designed this slideblocks to be able to use um2+ x/y shafts (included on the kit)
For the feeder @meduza designed a holder for the feeder (untested but looks quite ok)
And if you want to keep using the normal x/y hotend shafts you can print this tophead and replace it on the um2+ kit
I'm quite proud of my sliderblocks, since they allow you to use umo+ hotend, by rotating the bearings (something really easy and fast to do on umo wood structure). And also they can work with standard mxl belts or gt2 belts, and they allow to change quite fast from one system to another without more disassembly. BUT ofc, you could just out the old umo+ shafts and avoid all the trouble... But I would love to gain some cm on my print area.
The length of the pt100 cables of um2+ it's 116cm vs 150 of umo+, but I did tests this weekend with a 120cm pt100 I had and it plugs on the board quite nicely. Also the heater fits (got one from 3dsolex). But to make it posible you need to separate the bowden from the cables because umo+ bowden curvature it's higher and would make the cables too short. Anyhow, it all fits so far.
The sliderblocks just passed a basic test, they can grip the to the x/y shafts with a quite ok force, but I need to do a proper test. Maybe if I win the um2+ contest !
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aerobubulle 40
Oh my god ! I didn't think this would happen !
Didier, comment faire pour changer les buses ? Il faut acheter un kit 3dsolex non ?
Et tu penses que le feeder est sympa ? Donc en fait y aurait juste le bowden à changer ? Mais ce n'est pas possible... En quoi est-il différent des autres ?
I didn't know someone was working on it !
Can you explain in détails how you would do it ?
I would be interested in following your project !
Thanks a lot.
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