I continued to try to complete a single firmware install, not being sure how the firmware is being written to the device (in real-time packets, or collected and installed only if all packets are collected). So, I worried that only parts of the code might be present -- like when executing manual updates to code packets for Unity projects, etc.
This caused the printer to do the exact same thing again.
I have tried completing a firmware installation on several versions of Cura.
Is anyone else having problems with a setup similar to mine, perhaps specifically with El Capitan 10.11.4?
This is pretty infuriating.
I'm starting to consider just returning the machine and going with the DeltaWASP I was considering in place of the Ultimaker 2+. This machine had a strong backing, large community, and longer history, so I thought it'd be the optimal choice. However, it's a little disheartening that it seemingly can't install its own firmware because of some instability either with the software, the firmware, or the hardware.
I've had it for two days and have been able to use it a total of three hours. I don't like the idea of having a three thousand dollar piece of hard ware and requiring a support ticket on Day 2.
That's not to be negative, and I understand other users aren't having problems, but this is borderline unacceptable.
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GeorgeWinterborn 1
As an update, attempt 75 to install the firmware made it farther than previous attempts -- about half way -- before timing out. Right after it timed on, the printer came to life for seemingly no reason.
I'm currently running a test print of Coffin's Cube. We'll see how that goes.
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