I seen it somewhere before i think its a great idea
The idea is pretty good, execution (oh dear, 'orrible pun) is going to be tricky. The drone can't practically be flown using a VR headset at any speed in a crowded city except by the most experienced of pilots, so will have to use autonav with collision avoidance bla yada bla, you can see why it hasn't exactly gotten off the ground (oh no, another bad pun).
What's really preventing this is really good AI. Skynet, we need you.
Under good weather conditions, sure. High winds/cross winds, rain/snow/freezing rain and that drone will probably cause more casualties
You mean create more demand? Sounds like a great businessplan!
This was big news, though it is a nice idea, I got irritated by the media as they were claiming that the student did different things than actually happened. The concept, fitting of a commercial drone with AED and ambulance cover were the new concept here, not the drone itself.
Clearly I live under a rock.
I think I saw it already at dutch design week in 2014, really like the idea, sure the drone needs to be safe to fly in the city, but the idea f.e. of being able to request an AED from your phone anywhere in the city must be a lifesaver.
@Danilius, I believe it was a Dutch guy, so I can imagine it being a more successful story here then abroad. There are some requirements to consider, but the idea is great!
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SandervG 1,521
It has been mentioned here before, and I think it went around social media for a little bit.
Some parts are 3D Printed on an Ultimaker, mostly small fittings and adapters.
The body was laser sintered I believe. Nonetheless, great story and application!
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