I have recently got netfabb running using the method posted above. The software will not connect to my ultimaker so i'm still using replicatorG, but netfabb seems to be doing a good job of creating the gcode (still testing it, to be fair).
I am using Ubuntu 10.10. Afraid my knowledge of linux is limited, so i can't help with the specific problem noted above. I have however had a lot of help in the past from the ubuntu forums, so possibly someone there may be able to point you in the right direction.
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pit3k 0
I have the same problem (Netfabb runs but Ultimaker module is not visible in the tree). You gave me hope that I can get it running under my Ubuntu. I followed your instructions. After changing the override to ""Builtin then Native" I get a window with a message "LUA Runtime Error: [string "lea"]:1: libUSB Init Error: -4" when trying to run netfabb.exe and then after clicking "OK" I get another one with "Access violation". After click "OK" process quits and nothing is shown. the terminal shows:
Any ideas how to fix this?
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