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Posted · Netfabb.exe on Ubuntu Linux using WINE

After quite a bit of fail, I think I have Netfabb.exe running on Linux using Wine. It wasn't easy. With a default installation of everything, the installer worked OK, the prompt for serial number and voucher worked fine, and then it spit out some errors and launched the application... except the "Ultimaker" module, which was didn't load at all. (the little tree at the right showed "Parts", "Slices", and an empty little stub where "Ultimaker" should be. The error that it spit into the terminal was

fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.VC80.CRT" (8.0.50727.762)

Google suggests that this is somehow related to "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)". Several attempts to install this thing (manually, and using Winetricks) offered no improvement. After much hacking, I finally got it to work by making a change to configuration relating to the culprit DLL. Here are all the specifics for my setup in case anybody wants to attempt to replicate:

* Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) on an old 15" MacBook Pro

* Wine installed using the Ubuntu software center app (version 1.2.3)

* Set up Wine, accepting all defaults $ winecfg

* Downloaded Netfabb Ultimaker for Windows:

http://software.ultimaker.com/netfabbIn ... imaker.exe

* Install using $ wine /home/me/Downloads/netfabbInstaller_ultimaker.exe

* It downloads some stuff, I select the Full Version, give it my serial number and voucher code, and it launches.

* Terminal shows the "Could not find dependent assembly" error, Netfabb runs, Ultimaker module is broken. Quit

* Download the VC 2005 SP1 thing from

http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/co ... px?id=5638

* Manually install using $ wine /home/me/Downloads/vcredist_x86.exe

* Try Netfabb again: $ wine /home/me/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/netfabb_reprap/netfabb.exe

* Launch Winecfg: $ winecfg

* Select the "Libraries" tab. From the drop-down list, select a new override for library "msvcr80".

* Select "msvcr80" in the existing overrides list, choose "Edit", and select "Builtin then Native". Select OK, and OK again to exit.

* Launch Netfabb again: $wine /home/me/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/netfabb_reprap/netfabb.exe

* Same error appears in the terminal, but (strangely) the Ultimaker module now loads successfully!

I'm not sure how repeatable any of this may be, but its working for me. Haven't attempted serial communication yet, but part manipulation, slicing, and GCode generation seem to be working perfectly well.

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    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted · Netfabb.exe on Ubuntu Linux using WINE

    I have the same problem (Netfabb runs but Ultimaker module is not visible in the tree). You gave me hope that I can get it running under my Ubuntu. I followed your instructions. After changing the override to ""Builtin then Native" I get a window with a message "LUA Runtime Error: [string "lea"]:1: libUSB Init Error: -4" when trying to run netfabb.exe and then after clicking "OK" I get another one with "Access violation". After click "OK" process quits and nothing is shown. the terminal shows:

    pit3k@pit3k-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/netfabb_reprap$ wine netfabb.exe 
    fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl Unsupported ioctl 74080 (device=7 access=1 func=20 method=0)
    fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl Unsupported ioctl 2d1400 (device=2d access=0 func=500 method=0)
    fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl Unsupported ioctl 74080 (device=7 access=1 func=20 method=0)
    fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.VC80.CRT" (8.0.50727.762)
    fixme:msvcr90:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x355340) stub

    Any ideas how to fix this?

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    • 2 months later...
    Posted · Netfabb.exe on Ubuntu Linux using WINE

    I have recently got netfabb running using the method posted above. The software will not connect to my ultimaker so i'm still using replicatorG, but netfabb seems to be doing a good job of creating the gcode (still testing it, to be fair).

    I am using Ubuntu 10.10. Afraid my knowledge of linux is limited, so i can't help with the specific problem noted above. I have however had a lot of help in the past from the ubuntu forums, so possibly someone there may be able to point you in the right direction.

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    Posted · Netfabb.exe on Ubuntu Linux using WINE

    I can confirm that Netfabb with the Ultimaker engine also works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, once the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries and msvcr80.dll problems are sorted out. Without reading this post, I first ran the installer, launched netfabb.exe, and activated the software via the offline option, because netfabb failed to phone home properly for the keys, due to the lack of runtime support, I suspect. As reported here, the Ultimaker module was not present. The error was the C Run-Time Error R6034 (C++) and the information on the link to the Netfabb support page regarding the error indicated that the MS Visual Studio runtime libraries were not working correctly.

    Then I installed the 2005 and 2010 rdist runtimes and sp1 packs to no avail--even after third and fourth attempts using winetricks. Finally, I overwrote the msvcr80.dll in the drive_c/Program Files/netfabb_reprap subdirectory with the dll from drive_c/windows/system32 subdirectory (the wine version). It worked and the program runs without errors and all is well to the point of gcode export. Well...nearly all is well. Sometimes the model graphic rendering in the netfabb workarea is hesitant to refresh, but a click on a selector icon seems to refresh the image. I only have a slow Atom-based Samsung netbook with 2GB of memory and the buili-in Intel graphics, but the free (as in beer) version of Netfabb Studio for Linux doesn't have this problem on this machine. However, it's still fast enough under wine to complete a "Calculate Toolpath" in ultra / ultra quality-hollow for a 119.436 cm³ (180.34 x 130.76 x 14.63 mm) print in 14 minutes, which I can easily tolerate. It can slice it at 40 microns so fast that I didn't even notice the time (maybe 10 seconds).

    I suspect that I'll have problems with the USB interface under wine, but I'm still waiting for my Ultimaker printer to test it. I also have the Ulticontroller shipping along with the printer kit and could also use RepG, which are both better solutions for sending files to the printer anyway, from what I've read.

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    Posted · Netfabb.exe on Ubuntu Linux using WINE

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