I have not done this myself, but the 3D printing guys over at Adafruit.com have a tutorial for converting a UM2 to 1.75mm.
I have no idea if it makes life easier or harder, but they seem to like it. I find it easier just to stick with 2.85mm. I have run into any limits on my filament choices, that's for sure!
Anyway, hope it helps. YMMV. Good luck.
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meduza 191
No you cannot use 1.75mm filament in a printer designed for 2.85mm filament, it will simply fuck stuff up and cause you a lot of headaches. There is a whole bunch of threads on this forum with the same question.
It is possible to buy some new 3rd party parts made for 1.75mm and rebuild the printer to use exclusively 1.75mm filament, but that's not something I'd would reccomend if you do not have a very specific reason for doing it.
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DudeUser 0
Ok, thank you. I am still a noob in 3D print:D
I will send it back and order 2.85 filament.
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