Ah, found a solution here: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file, seemed it had to do with the Chitubox thumbnail preview.
Installed 4.12, everything working fine now...
Sorry for my blunt first post on this topic. Sometimes it helps to stop for a few hours and get back to it. 😉
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tvthiel 3
I removed 4.12 from my new PC, installed 4.11 and copied the settings. Now I have 4.11 working on my new PC as it was on my old pc, so that's a relief, thank you for the tip.
But, I have a new problem. When I try to open a file Cura Slicer crashes. I can however drag files from file explorer to Cura, but when I try t open a file from the menue <File><Open> the app freezes and crashes after about 5 seconds.
Removed the app, reinstalled it, no resloution.
Any idea what can be wrong???
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