well I can rule that option out;
1. it started mid run (6 hrs in).
2. the ticks do not change in speed as it goes around a circle; if it was a z correction then the z offset should follow a sine as it goes around the circle, and at the peek and valley there would be fewer corrections.
3. it jumps from one end of the model to another w/o any ticks if it is not extruding.
My ticks follow the amount of material, it ticks faster when building the outside walls. and slower when building the inside support structures.
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Zwakie 21
Hi Bas,
To me this sounds like the bed-leveling system making tiny Z-corrections constantly. The same thing (though not as imminent as in your case) kept me confused for quite some time before I could pinpoint it.
There are some other threads around this subject that you can go see, f.i. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/33351-knocking-sound-while-printing .
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