Thank you mr_seeker for the fast answer.
I´m confused about, that some makes then s3g only files.
This would be usable for people they use the same Makerbot only. (stand today, so i understand the linked post)
Some else: Isn´t right that RapG makes s3g files for printing from SD-Card?
I see, i must learn a lot for Ultimaker and the software.
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mr_seeker 0
S3G are special files designed for the makerbot replicator. It may look similar to Gcode, but please dont try it on an ultimaker, you can break the machine.
G-code/S3G files are made to run on a specific machine, thats why you have so much settings in skeinforge. If you try to run the gcode on another machine, it can cause havoc due to several factors like temperature, speed of the extruder, etc. etc.
Use STL, OBJ or something similar instead. These are files designed for multiple platforms, and they dont have any information regarding machine functionality.
EDIT: See also this post.
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