In addition to that, what printer are you using?
yellowshark 153
You need to print Ngen hotter than PLA, in my case about 45 degrees hotter. It would help us if you told us your settings.
The symptoms you describe (gap between infill and walls, stringy thin infill) both describe underextrusion. There are many causes but the first thing -- what temp did you use (as @yellowshark asks)
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neotko 1,417
First, please show us a photo, it helps big way.
Second, if increasing the temp helps, then there's a feeding issue. It can be a big number of things, but the main suspects are Ptfe/tfm coupler near its end of life, feeder full of dust making less grip on the filament, bowden curvature + end of spool adding extra pressure.
The fix is. For coupler, get a new one. For feeder, open and clean.
This and a huge number of other possibilities (and how to fix them) are covered at the
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