So the cool module should be set to Orbit or Slow down?
Ok... here are two different gcodes... same model with different feed speeds.... but they print the same speed, the fast one just one dumps pla and jams up after a while.
Slow one
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
G1 Z35.0 F400
G92 E0
G1 E260 F1000
G1 E-20 F3000
G92 E0
G1 Z-1.0 F100
G1 Z-34.0 F400
G1 Z0.4
M140 S60.0
M141 S30.0
M142 S0.0
M113 S1.0
;M108 S20.0
;M108 S8.0
G1 X-79.7 Y-69.88 Z0.1 F60.0
G1 X-40.12 Y-69.88 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-40.12 Y-30.12 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-79.88 Y-30.12 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-79.88 Y-69.82 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-79.49 Y-69.61 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-40.39 Y-69.61 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-40.39 Y-30.39 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-79.61 Y-30.39 Z0.1 F480.0
G1 X-79.61 Y-69.49 Z0.1 F480.0
Fast one
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
G1 Z35.0 F400
G92 E0
G1 F1000 E260
G1 F3000 E-20
G92 E0
G1 Z-1.0 F100
G1 Z-34.0 F400
G1 Z0.4
M113 S1.0
M108 S55.0
G1 X-79.35 Y-69.78 Z0.13 F7500.0
G1 F0.0
G1 E0.0
G1 F7500.0
G92 E0
G1 X-40.38 Y-69.78 Z0.13 F6600.0 E0.419
G1 X-40.23 Y-69.62 F7050.0 E0.421
G1 X-40.23 Y-30.38 F6600.0 E0.843
Which version of marlin are you using? I know I had a development version that had feedrate issues. Where did you get your marlin from and how did you install it?
So the cool module should be set to Orbit or Slow down?
Slow Down.
G1 X-40.23 Y-30.38 F6600.0 E0.843
F6600 is 110mm/s.. That's what the gcode is telling the firmware to do so if the machine isn't doing that, it's because the firmware decided not to.
Daid's got it right:
Which version of marlin are you using? I know I had a development version that had feedrate issues. Where did you get your marlin from and how did you install it?
this is the version I am using
Where would I find older versions?
turns out it was pulling older Gcode files. The new Replicator names the files with a "export" in the name. Pull pulled the old gcode files when I hit the build button. If I load the export versions and go to edit->build it goes like a bat out of hell and now I can't slow it down in the feed rates.
trying some more experiments.
ok... nothing I do is changing the feedrates. I am going to go to the older sprinter firmware.
That's not the one you want.. Try
Most definitely, this is the one to go... you may need to do 2 changes; I can only get it to work if I change it to 115kbaud in configuration.h (if there is anybody willing to explain how to get 250kbaud on a mac, i'd be happy to listen), and maybe increase the max filament feed rate in line 249:
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 5, 900} // (mm/sec)
I use 900 (mm/s)) which is extremely too high for SF and other volumetric slicers, but quite reasonable for netfabb slicing.
I Installed the recommended version.... I can't get it to do much of anything. (I set the baud rate and made the recommended changed to the config file)
First thing I noticed is it won't let me jog to a negative value so the print head is floating in space and I cannot jog until I hit the end stops and make the current position 0,0,0
Second thing is when I send it a job it just pulses the z table.
For those of you that have gotten this to work what were the exact steps? Or maybe someone can send me their Config files?
I am losing my mind.
When you first start repg, you should get some text at the bottom of the screen - startup stuff from the printer.. Can you copy/paste that here?
Here it is... [20] C:UsersdadDocumentsUltimaker3dModelscubetest.STL
[20] Got name Default
[20] Parsed object name[Default] facets 24
[20] Loading simulator.
[20] Loading driver: replicatorg.drivers.reprap.RepRap5DDriver
[20] Connecting to machine using serial port: COM3
[20] Initializing Serial.
[20] Attempting to reset RepRap/Ultimaker (pulsing RTS)
[20] Supports RC
[20] echo:1.0.0 beta 1
[20] echo:free memory:5688 plannerbufferbytes:1168
[20] echo:using default settings:
[20] echo:steps per unit:
[20] echo: m92 x78.74 y78.74 z533.00 e836.00
[20] echo:maximum feedrates (mm/s):
[20] echo: m203 x500.00 y500.00 z5.00 e900.00
[20] echo:maximum acceleration (mm/s2):
[20] echo: m201 x9000 y9000 z100 e10000
[20] echo:acceleration: s=acceleration, t=retract acceleration
[20] echo: m204 s3000.00 t3000.00
[20] echo:advanced variables: s=min feedrate (mm/s), t=min travel feedrate (mm/s), b=minimum segment time (ms), x=maximum xy jerk (mm/s), z=maximum z jerk (mm/s)
[20] echo: m205 s0.00 t0.00 b20000 x20.00 z0.40
[20] echo:pid settings:
[20] echo: m301 p22.20 i1.25 d99.00
[20] Ready.
[20] Yes, I have a Realtime Control feature.
[20] Supports RC
Strange that I just did that firmware a week or 3 ago and have different values, though nothing jumps out at me as being seriously wrong.
[21] echo:1.0.0 beta 1[21] echo:free memory:5373[21] echo:using default settings:[21] echo:steps per unit:[21] echo: m92 x78.74 y78.74 z533.00 e836.00[21] echo:maximum feedrates (mm/s):[21] echo: m203 x8.33 y8.33 z0.08 e3333.33[21] echo:maximum acceleration (mm/s2):[21] echo: m201 x9000 y9000 z100 e10000[21] echo:acceleration: s=acceleration, t=retract acceleration[21] echo: m204 s3000.00 t7000.00[21] echo:advanced variables: s=min feedrate (mm/s), t=min travel feedrate (mm/s), b=minimum segment time (ms), x=maximum xy jerk (mm/s), z=maximum z jerk (mm/s)[21] echo: m205 s0.00 t0.00 b20000 x0.50 z0.01[21] echo:pid settings:[21] echo: m301 p22.20 i0.12 d990.00[21] Ready.[21] Yes, I have a Realtime Control feature.[21] Supports RC
Did the firmware get updated without a version change? His also says 1.0.0 beta 1 but it sorta sounds like he's got that software endstop problem with the 2 version..
I haven't really been following this stuff too closely - hopefully somebody else will jump in with a solution..
I don't suppose you have a copy of the build that works on your machine avail would you? The one that is linked to on Ultimaker's wiki is the one I am not supposed to have. The one linked to in this thread is the one with the stops issue.
The Sprinter Firmware won't run the the extruder for some reason.
It would be nice to see what other people are running in a what combination... like which version of SK with which ver of RepG and which firmware, and a complete list of modifications to those modules. I am finding all kinds of blog entries.
For the mean time I am trying to get my machine back to it's "factory state, this upgrade has has been way less than easy.
Thanks for the help... hopefully someone can chime in and I will give it a go again.
Can someone tell me where and what the modules in the firmware upgrade URL are?
They just say MArlin build 1 and Marlin build 2
Using RepG to update the firmware just for the hell of it tried out the Marlin builds there. Ver 2 doesn't have the issues I am experiencing with the build pull from Git. They do however have virtually no Extruder feed. (which I was instructed was a problem with Marlin and had to fix in the configuration.h. Being this is a binary pull down I can't get at those files to compile them
I still have it.. It's called ErikZalm-Marlin-45464f8.
Post or PM me your email and I'll send you a copy. I'd rather not post it here - once the next version comes out, don't want people using it any more.
For the mean time I am trying to get my machine back to it's "factory state, this upgrade has has been way less than easy.
Stick with it! It's worth the effort, once you get it right.
FWIW, I've got repg26 and am using stand-alone SF44, though SF47 is now out and I'll probably switch to that soon. The only firmware change I made was to make it 115200 baud.
Post or PM me your email and I'll send you a copy. I'd rather not post it here - once the next version comes out, don't want people using it any more..
Actually, since this has come up a few times lately, I'll just post it.. This is the one I'm using, which seems quite happy. It's 115200 baud, too. When the next stable version comes out, maybe we can get a mod to nuke this one.
edit: and if you still have problems with this one, I won't go messing with different versions or modifying this one - something else is wrong. Don't worry, have patience, it'll be fixable.
The current one up on the net is ErikZalm-Marlin-157aa7f
Can you put yours up on Dropbox or something for me to give it a go?
That would be huge if you could.
I have RepG26 and SK 40, If I could at least get on the same page as someone else that is having success that would make it easier to trouble shoot.
Can you put yours up on Dropbox or something for me to give it a go?
Eh? See one post before yours..
I have RepG26 and SK 40, If I could at least get on the same page as someone else that is having success that would make it easier to trouble shoot.
I'd go with 44, which you can get at
- it's the one from 2011-10-08. You can get later ones if you want but I know 44 works fine so that's what I'll suggest..
I'll give it a go.
You rule... thanks!
How do you access SK44 from RepG? Or will it only run from script?
If it can be run from RepG how do you install it? I can't seem to find info.
ok.. so far so good. The firmware works. You have to enable Dimension in SK for it to extrude. (this is new)... I can jog and shuttle around and set the zeros. Thanks!
Of course I have another question....
Speaking of extruder the head cleaning move at the beginning of a print goes like a bat out of hell and chews up the filament. Where would I adjust that, in the firmware or SK?
That's the "use endstops only for homing" feature. You can disable this feature. Or you can use my Skeinforge_pypy build: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=153 which is preconfigured to work with that feature enabled.First thing I noticed is it won't let me jog to a negative value so the print head is floating in space and I cannot jog until I hit the end stops and make the current position 0,0,0
I tried disabling the feature but then the heads mashed past the endstops.
I'll take a look at your SF though,
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ddurant 0
Which marlin did you get??
For SF40+, make sure you set flow rate to the same value as the feed rate.
If it refuses to go faster when you up the feed rate (and, of course, the flow rate, which you should make sure is the same as feed rate) the first thing to check would be the Cool module - SF will slow things down so that they take at least the min layer time. If you've got it set to more than 10 or so, try setting it to 10 and see if that lets it go faster.
If that's not it, post a few lines from the middle of your gcode file.. Something that starts with a G1.. (edit: and the thing to look for is the F value, which is the feed rate in mm/minute. G1 lines with an E value are doing an extrusion, lines without aren't.. If the F value matches the feed rate you gave * 60, it's probably a firmware issue; if not, it's probably a slicer issue)
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