The only clog I've cleaned on an UM3 was a fair bit smaller than that (cleaned a few massive clogs on UM2s though), but what I used then was a heat gun. The type you use to strip paint, but on the lowest setting, obviously.
It's quite tricky on the UM3 since it's a lot harder to take parts away from the head and it's mostly plastic. If you want to give it a go, try heating the core(s) normally first and see if you are able to free them that way, doubtful. If not, use a heat gun (or a powerful hairdryer like gr5 said, if it's something like PLA that goes soft easily) and _carefully_ heat just the core and the blob of plastic around it. I would probably use some tinfoil to shield the plastic parts and fans of the head as it's quite easy to overheat them.
Try concentrating on getting the plastic between the black part of the core and the core soft first and see if you are able to release the core. If not, try heating more of the surrounding plastic to get it to let go of the head.
Don't pull too hard on the plastic blob once it gets soft, it's VERY easy to pull the wires out of the core and then you loose the ability to heat it easily in place.
Or, what I would recommend more in this particular case, get in contact with the place you bought it from. They'll be able to help you out with this.
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