That could be it, yes. Make sure filament diameter is set to whatever your filament is. Basically it's either levelled too far away from the bed or you are underextruding. I can't tell which it is unless you print more layers to exclude bed leveling issues.
Thanks for the suggestion adjusted everything again and filament was set to 1.75 now it looks a lot better but when trying to get the print off the bed it falls apart to due bad layer bonding just trying the same print with my S3D profile again to make sure it's not any of the settings.
"bad layer bonding"? With PLA? I've never seen bad layer bonding with pla. But I've seen it with almost every other filament and it's easy to fix.
Bad layer bonding with PLA is usually caused by printing too cold. Try raising the Printing Temperature by 5c increments.
I've now tried a bunch of things and what it looks like is that Cura is for some reason extruding less filament than S3D no idea why I'm now playing with the diameter setting and see where it goes
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Nils_92 0
Just thinking I remember using the custom tab would having the filament diameter wrong cause this my printer uses 1.75 default Cura is 2.85 need to verify this later.
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