It is not the easiest filament to print with. I had a lot of trouble with the nozzle clogging most likely due to small residues of colorfabb HT filament but after cleaning the noozle with a gas torch the problem disappeared. Now I'm struggling with underextrusion of the first layers. Post-processing is easy as the filament is rather soft and gives a really nice copper shine. I did upgrade my hot end to E3D v6 but mainly for printing high temperature filaments as copperfill did print fine on the standard UMO hot end.
I will try testing the ammonia on some cheap PLA in the weekend to see if it still works.
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Hey man came across your thread and it looks interesting! i wanted to know how you're finding the copper filament? did you upgrade your hot ends to print with it or are you running stock? Also since you have the ammonia available, mind testing this idea again? would be a good alternative to the PVA support structure.
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