Did you buy the stepper motor to go with it as well? The stepper in the UM2 is a 400 step/rev motor. The one that is used with the new feeder is a 200 step/rev motor.
Did you buy the stepper motor to go with it as well? The stepper in the UM2 is a 400 step/rev motor. The one that is used with the new feeder is a 200 step/rev motor.
Did you buy the stepper motor to go with it as well? The stepper in the UM2 is a 400 step/rev motor. The one that is used with the new feeder is a 200 step/rev motor.
No i did not, since i assumed the kit was covering what as needed, and i must have missed the step down in stepper motor, when i was reading about the upgrade.
Do you know any cheap Uk sites where they are selling the correct specced stepper motor?
How did you get the old motor working with the new feeder? It should lack the cog... the new motor including this cog should be available from your Ultimaker reseller.
How did you get the old motor working with the new feeder? It should lack the cog... the new motor including this cog should be available from your Ultimaker reseller.
We bought the package linked in the first post, we mounted what came in that package, and it "worked".
Im not looking to by the whole update kit, im only looking to buy the specific stepper motor for the feeder motor and i could do with some information on that so i dont buy the wrong one
Im not looking to by the whole update kit, im only looking to buy the specific stepper motor for the feeder motor and i could do with some information on that so i dont buy the wrong one
...but if you are satisfied so far and it is already working with the original motor... the only thing left to do is: adjust the steps/mm for the E-axis (on the printer), and you're through. Or did I got something wrong?
Send the following two commands to the printer, and that's it.
M92 E738
The default value for the UM2+ is 369, you have to double it.
You can use (e.g.) Pronterface, or write the lines to a *.gcode file (with a text editor) and "print" it.
Keep in mind: The value is stored in EEPROM, you have to repeat this step after a "Factory Reset".
Im not looking to by the whole update kit, im only looking to buy the specific stepper motor for the feeder motor and i could do with some information on that so i dont buy the wrong one
...but if you are satisfied so far and it is already working with the original motor... the only thing left to do is: adjust the steps/mm for the E-axis (on the printer), and you're through. Or did I got something wrong?
Send the following two commands to the printer, and that's it.
M92 E738
The default value for the UM2+ is 369, you have to double it.
You can use (e.g.) Pronterface, or write the lines to a *.gcode file (with a text editor) and "print" it.
Keep in mind: The value is stored in EEPROM, you have to repeat this step after a "Factory Reset".
I will try this withing the next 1.5 hours, and will report the results back it should do.
I didnt get arround to testing this today, and will be away for 2days so i will post the results when i done it thursday this week.
i installed tinkermarlin firmware for the printer and then went into the settings and changed the steps per axis to 738. it do indeed now seem to print at the correct speed but it also seems that the zaxis is moving properly, since it seems to just be scraping the already printed material and adding a new layer in the same place. I just cant see it moving now.
I tried to recalibrate the buildplate and it seems to have resolve the issue with the scrapping of material.
I know consider this issue solved, and thank you all for the help with it.
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gr5 2,295
> I started to print however the feedrate seems to be stuck at what is was before hand where it fed properly.
You mean it's turning backwards? when you switch from a UM2 to a UM2+ feeder, if you don't update the firmware, the feeder will be turning the wrong way. Instead of slowly extruding it will just slowly retract the filament as you print all the way back to the feeder.
Is that what you mean? If so make sure you use the select the UM2 *plus* machine before updating the firmware.
Also consider using tinkerMarlin which allows you to experiment with the steps/mm setting.
Maybe your problem is completely different than "extruder turning backwards" in which case please include a photo of the issue if possible.
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Yeah forgot that it was turning backwards at first, then I uploaded new firmware to it and I am sure it is on 2+ firmware.
It just seems like something is wrong with the firmware since when I load new filament it it fills the tube up til half and then stops at that rate and then it proceeds to take 10min to move the material to the nozzle.
Unfortunately I dont have any pictures of the prints as the cleaning lady thought it was trash and threw them out.
However, from googling underextrution you will find similar pictures. I'm on my phone so I can't show an example ATM.
I tried looking for a older version firmware but I can't find any.
It just seems to me that the stepper motor is moving what it should be when it's a um2 but after the gear upgrade it should be moving more to cover the same distance and that is not happening.
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