kmanstudios 1,120
I have no solution, but I have printed the full vertical volume before on my UM3E and did not have that happen. All leveling and such is good? Do you have any pics you could show? At what height did it fail? Proper brimming or adhesion on the base of your plate? Heated bed? I know you said you were using the base pre-sets, but just trying to be thorough.
Was there any curling or other things like a blob or something to catch on the nozzle?
I will be doing a full vertical print with supports in about a week. I have a few things to catch up on regarding backlogged prints (I need another two - three printers to keep up with my design process). I will keep an eye out if anything goes awry though.
I used to have a lot of spaghetti strings all over the place when I was using the prime tower. It was prone to falling, but not the models themselves unless something curled up on an edge or got a blobby buildup. It would whack it hard enough to bounce the plate too. But I had my model really stuck down.
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Bvwaa 0
Aight, so I've done my first round of trouble shooting and found a pretty awesome problem guide here, found the link searching these forums.
My very tall single print failed today about half way through. I heard the nozzle striking the support structures and then finally it struck the print and knocked it out of whack. My dual head theory... POOF. It's not pillowing, at least in the classic sense of bulbous knobby fills... I was looking at the print as it was knocking the support structure and any rise in the surface was imperceptible, or so it seemed.
I'm using all of the default settings at the moment, per template i.e. fast vs ultra fine.
My current areas of investigation based on the googles are retraction, combing, and maybe slowing lowering the temp along with the related feed/flow settings.
I've printed some really tall builds with little to no support and no problems so I feel like mayhaps I am F'ing myself by allowing ridiculous support structures to exist.
Another issue that I keep running into when running dual heads is that each head can have it's own settings... so I have on several occasions with PVA printed the support with FAST settings while the main model was on Ultrafine. I can see why that might mess things up.
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